Nelson Mandela Foundation)

Nelson Mandela Foundation)
Payment options
Credit Card
Donate an amount of your choice with your Visa or Mastercard credit card. Proceed to DonateScan To Pay
For international donors. Donate using Masterpass by following these easy steps: Download the Masterpass AppAdd your bank card details
Scan the QR code
Donate using Zapper Proceed to DonateInstant EFT
Donate using an electronic funds transfer (South African banks only) Proceed to DonateOTHER WAYS TO DONATE
SMS line:
SMS Code: 42603
Copy - SMS the words ‘Legacy Mandela’ to 42603 to donate
Visit the Sanctuary Mandela
Visit the Goodwill Collection
Donate via Given Gain
Donate with KBFUS (US-based donors)
Alternatively, you can make a direct donation via EFT using the following details:
Account holder: Nelson Mandela Foundation
Bank name: Nedbank
Cheque account number: 1284 089 746
Branch or routing code for cheque deposit: 128405
Branch or routing code for EFT: 197905
Swift code: NEDSZAJJ
Contact the Foundation's CEO Mbongiseni Buthelezi at nmf@nelsonmandela.org to make another arrangement.