Annual Lecture 2007: Photo gallery

Mr Nelson Mandela introduces Mr Kofi Annan
Benny Gool)

The Linder Auditorium is where the 2007 Annual Lecture was held
Benny Gool)

Mr Kofi Annan and his wife, Mrs Nane Annan
Benny Gool)

Mr Kofi Annan and Mrs Nane Annan, Mr Nelson Mandela and Mrs Graça Machel at the 2007 Annual Lecture
Benny Gool)

Mr Tokyo Sexwale and Mrs Judy Sexwale leave the Linder Auditorium after the 2007 Annual Lecture
Benny Gool)

Mr Jacob Zuma was among the audience at the 2007 Annual Lecture
Benny Gool)

Mr Kofi Annan greeting the audience on his way to deliver the Fifth Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture in July, 2007
Benny Gool)

Mr Nelson Mandela addresses the audience at the 2007 Annual Lecture
Benny Gool)